Take a look at Puzzle No.9

Using this technique, you can directly find out the number in the marked cell.

The sum of the five marked cells is 12 + 21 = 33 (Using the column sums).

But, the sum of the four marked cells is 11 + 16 = 27 (Using the row sums).

Simple subtraction, and you get 33 - 27 = 6 in the marked cell.
Use this technique and you are bound to improve your solving time!
Other Solving Techniques
I never used this till today!
Now try using it. Master it soon, IPC rounds are starting this week!
I haven't used either :O top post Ro.
Thanks Pras. Try it out, you'll definitely love it, especially with IPC round the corner.
It can be extended to multiple cells too. You should post one example.
Good posts Rohan, on these simple, but effective techniques.
I'm still surprised that Tejal didn't use it yet.
cool technique....ur methods proving to be quite useful for me...1 query...on 7th jan , in the elimination rounds, can 1 person participate in both ISC and IPC round 1
do u know what kind of puzzles will be there in round 1 of IPC??
Yes, I'll post about multiple cells too.
You will find complete information about IPC on http://www.logicmastersindia.com/IPC2011/home.asp
You can post your queries on the forum.
I too only realised you could do this with kakuro recently. Most kakuro I see never seem to need it. Indeed, when I design kakuro of my own I specifically design the grid so that you cannot use this technique (and indeed analogously for killer sudoku, where I think too much cage addition is a completely lazy and lame way of making a puzzle "hard"...)
This technique is rarely seen in really hard Kakuros, that I agree with you. For medium ones, it could be a great starting point for beginners (I was one few months back! :-) )
Though I must admit that I have used this technique a couple of times in tough Kakuros, but generally with two (or more) protruding cells, like a difference of 4 which gives you a 1-3 combination.
Nice Technique. This technique is very helpful while solving tough Kakuro puzzle.
wow, this is a good technique.. Never thought of ths till now!!
This is Top Class, Rohan! Never used it till date. Thanks for the share :)
Really cool technique!
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